Hi Fellow Doomers. Here's a level I wipped up from the original e1m2. To use it run use.bat. To view the demo of it run demo.bat I think it's just about perfect for deathmatch or a coop slaughter :). No longer need you run around the whole level in search for you buddies now there are 9 teleports to get you places in a flash. Of course you can also do some nice destruction along the way blowing to bits 80+ sarges, 50+ imps and 40+ troopers. Watch out for that barron or two ;) Yeah, I know this level sucks processor big time, so I recommend *at least* 486DX33 with 8Mb. VLB would help too. If it's still slow or too hard then play on lower difficulty. It still bloody 8). I made this on a 4Mb machine so my demo came out choppy :(... and I didn't go the way I usually go 'cause I wouldn't wanna spoil your game by showing ya all the secrets etc. Can you find that prized Plasma Gun? (muhahahaha). I actually tried to place key items in strategic places. Also difficulty has a bearing on the game. On the lowest level you might find e.g. shotgun or chaingun in front of your nose. On the harder levels, well, you gonna hefta look for it. Oh, and did I mention a ton of new switches, platforms, nuke pools etc. Most of the wall decorations have been replaced apart form the computer section which was kinda hard to improve on. You'll also find more stuff and enemies in multi-player mode, just as expected. And most iportantly the level is rather dark (no cheating with F11 hear me!) which makes it rather fun for deathmatch mode. If you find the play is too slow in deathmatch then try using -nomonsters parameter. Now, go and have a bloodbath. oh, and if u think I stuffed up somewhere send me a note. Stan ("wolfie") stasiak@iinet.com.au P.S This is free. If u charge money for this you're a prick, lame and low life.